7 Ağustos 2013 Çarşamba

Some Korean Foods And Sky Park :)

Hello everyone :) I want to start with this funny song :) I hope you guys like it :)

Primarily I wanna show you guys my new hair style. I cut my hair yesterday night. We decide this style with my girlfriend :D It's a little bit strange but all of my friends liked this hair cut :)

It is a little bit strange for me too becuase I never try this kind of hair style but it is a little bit common style in Korea :) Sometimes person has to try something different :) Because It's seriously makes happy :)

And I found one coffee store which is has really delicious honey bread :) This is the best one I eat :) This coffee store is soo close to office because of this I'm visiting there very often :) And staffs in this coffee store are soo friendly people :) They always doing soo good to me and my girlfriend :)

 I found some pictures from last year summer visiting :) Some foods and some memories :) Let's see some Korean food :)

This is Bi-bim-bab :) It's included only vegetables an rice and some gocu sauce. I think I wrote about this food before :) And in Korean kitchen meals are looking better when the meals more colorful. In meals, different colors are symbolise healty and fresh, more color means more healty :) I mean different colors of vegetables. As you can see there are some yellow vegetables and green and dark green and black :) And there is one more important thing to I wanan say; When Koreans cooking vegetables, they are not cooking totaly, they cooking as half cooked. Because this is make the vegetable include more vitamins than totally cooked.

This is kal-guksu in Korean language. In English sea food noodle :) This is really tasting awesome :) There are some sea mussels, shrimps, squid etc. in the sea food noodle. Soo fresh and healty :) If you are going to visit Korea, you must try sea food noodle :)

This picture wass taken at last year. Here was Korean Rice Soup restaurant :) I got heavy flu at the time because of this my girlfriend took me to this store. That was soo hot and makes me relaxed :) If you will be ill in Korea try rice soup ! :) There was some kimchi and side dishes with rice soup. That was awesome treatment with food :D

This is two different kind of dried sea food. I was in sky park in Seoul last year with my girlfriend and with one of our friend Jaeyoung :) We drink some with dried sea food :) But there was something wrong in my stomach because I ate too much dried sea mussel :/ Normaly Korean people eating two or three piece in a day but I ate more than 15 :D Because of this; it caused some problem during the way to home :S I get out out from subway in every stop for puke :/ That was soo bad experience for me with dried sea food :) After this day I was soo afraid to eat some dried sea food. But now thats okay I can eat :)

This picture was taken at last year in small cozy coffee store :) This coffee store was opend by one guy and there is just one staff who is owner of this small cozy coffee store :) Actually as you guys can see that was soo long day for me. Because of this my hair totaly messy and my eyes almost close :D
This is Korean traditional hat :) That was soo funny because some of my friends call me as a Kungfu Panda :D It's good to know someone could get happy with this funny picture :) This piture was taken near some kind of bazar in Korea :)

This is Sky Park :) we getting in :) That was soo amazing day :)

Beautiful scene from small bridge :)

There was a small car working with electric for climb to the skypark hill :) We climbed by this car becuase there was a lot of stairs which are I didn't want to use :D

The main road on the hill.

There was soo beautiful pumpkins hanged on the road on hill. :)

This is city scene from Sky Park :) Air was soo humity at the time :/

The sun gone and the darkness came on beautifull Seoul :)

That was soo awesome times with my girlfriend and our friend Jaeyoung :) Thanks for everything to him because he took us to Sky Park :) Thanks for visiting my blog :) This is the ending song have fun ! :)

(By the way maybe I'm doing some grammer mistakes. I'm sorry for that. Please just don't care about it and try to have fun :) I'll try to do my best. )

5 Ağustos 2013 Pazartesi

Something I like :)

                                                       Nas & Damien Marley - Patience

Hi with one of my favourite song :) I hope you guys gonna enjoy with it. Today I wanna talk about something i like to write :) Some foods, some places I visited.

This is my flight ticket from my hometown Adana Şakirpaşa Airport to İstanbul Atatürk Airport and from İstanbul to Seoul Incheon Airport. I forget to put this picture in my first text. And this is my second time to going Korea in this tickets. Last year I visit Korea abour 21 days. It was a little bit short because my school was gonna start :/ Anyway last year visiting was a little bit hard for me beccuase I got so few time for haning around and few time for spend with my love :/ The worst thing is seperating from eachother... But this is makes the person love more than more :) Anyway last year I missed my flight when I'm going back to Turkey. Because of this my girlfriend's mom (nanın umma ;) bought new ticket  for me. That was has one transfer in Singapore. That was pretty good airport in Singapore I stayed one hour but doesn't matter that was good :)

In this picture I was soo tired because we were doing shopping and hanging around more than 5 hours :) We bought some drink for me and my korean family :) And some snacks and sushi :)

This is the sushi with soy sauce :) This is pretty good. Tasting delicious. Most of korean people like dried sea food or this kind of see foods with alcohol. They have a lot of Hof which is kind of restaurant with alcohol. And koreans really like to drink some alcohol with eating meal. Any way this picture is taken at home when we start drinking some with sushi :) We taste pretty good spain wine in mall and we decided to buy for drink. And I found Turkish beer which is Efes Pilsen :) We bought some Turkish beer too :)

Baseball time ! :) This sport is not common in Turkey at all. Because of this it was good to see something about it and learn. In Turkey you can find baseball bat too, don't get confused it's only using for fight :D not for sport... Anyway :D Baseball gloves was good to it's soo easy to catch ball with this glove.

This is candle holder and on this candle holder there is small place looks like pool for your aroma. You putting 3-4 drop on it from the small aroma bottle and light the candle, and you can smell it in all around in your room :) This is apple mint aroma, and this is for my best friend Alperşan :)

And I wanna write something about dinner in last night (05.08.2013) :) It was soo good dinner with my love and two of our friends; Minseong and Sunglim :) (Maybe I wrote my friends name in wrong way, I'm sorry for this ) This is the picture of delicious sea food soup.

It has some sea mussel and some vegetables inside. And one different thing which's name is omug. Omug made from fish as a turkish kebab :) But it's cooked with boiling. :) As you can see we cooking it on our meal table becuase in most of restaurants they have small cooker working with small gas bottle. It's soo different compare to Turkey :)

 That was awesome desert for me. This is pabingsu. It has mashed ice, red bean,some milk and white thing on it as you can see; it's name is dohg in Korean. The dohg made from rice and soo sweet and chewing. We had oreo pabingsu and red bean almond babingu and third small cup is just ice cream but this is differetn flavored; white one is cream cheese black one is bitter chocolate :) That was really tasting good. :)

This picture was at lunch today :) Near our office. We ate bulgogi, whic is made from beaf and some vegetables and some noodle :)

This is bulgoggi with some side dishes :) That was incredibly delicious in this restaurant. :)

And at the ending of my article I wanna show you guys my cat. My family send picture of him. :) This is Rüzgar. I want to tell about him because I really miss him :) Thank you for reading :)

And this is the ending song have fun with it ! :)

                                                 Mellow Mood- Dance inna Babylon :)

First Day In Seoul With My Love

Hello this is my first day in the Seoul with my love :)

After 9 hours flight finely I arrived to Incheon Airport. Flight was soo tired for me because it was first time for me to taking long distance flight. I was soo excited when I was waiting in airport because I'll be in the foreign country and this foreign country is my love's country :) And I'm gonna meet with my girlfriend :)

During the flight I couldn't sleep any single minute because that was soo uncomfortable for me. Like I told that It was first time for me to take long flight. I try to watch some movie but it didn't work. I try my first korean meal which is Bi-Bim-Bab. It's mixed with some vegetables and rice and Gocucan ( hot pepper souce). It was tasting good for me. And I try Korean Beer :) Dry Finish. It was good to also.

This picture is in Incheon Airport, I just try doughnut, and that was pretty delicious :) And we hit the road with my love for home.

This is the smal part of Incheon bridge. Incheon is island which is the airport. This bridge is 21 km and world's seventh longest bridge. I was quite surprised when I heard this informations. For seven years in a row (2005–2012), it was rated the best airport worldwide by Airports Council Internetional. Anyway we took bus with my girlfriend from airport to Seoul, also you can use subway too. In seoul transportation is soo well for use. You can go where you want with subway. Its just like spider web :)

 This is part of Seoul Subway's map. As you can see it is just like spider web :) You can go where you want with subway.

 There is small coffee store near my girlfriends house. This coffee store is in everywhere in Seoul :) They have a lot of branches in all around Seoul :) Anyway we went there after we came to home and meet with her family. We just drink cup of coffee and than go out for hanging around.

This is what I bought in first time in Korea, Apple flavored sparkling water and jelly thing :) In the store there is some seats for drink something or eat but I prefer the park near my girlfriend's hosue :) the park is soo beautiful. There is one small lake and a lot of fish inside the water and some ducks :)

And this is dinner with my girlfriends family. That was soo awkward time because of meeting with her familly first time :) Anyway this is duck barbecue :) with some vegetables and some spicy souced crab :) and some beer. That was awesome dinner.

And Korea is most safest place I have ever been :) No-body doesn't has any gun also policemen too and in the banks security guys has only small gas pistols. And there is no drug in this country this is soo good too. In the streets I never saw street fight or some robbers. In the middle of the night everybody can hang around soo safely, because there will be nobody in the streets :)

This is me an my girfriend :) At this time my hair was soo long :) This picture was taken in Starbucks in somewhere in Seoul :) I don't know exactly :)

Anyway I was soo tired in first day becuase of long long long flight :/ Because of this I couldn't hang around much. That's all I can write about first day :)