7 Ağustos 2013 Çarşamba

Some Korean Foods And Sky Park :)

Hello everyone :) I want to start with this funny song :) I hope you guys like it :)

Primarily I wanna show you guys my new hair style. I cut my hair yesterday night. We decide this style with my girlfriend :D It's a little bit strange but all of my friends liked this hair cut :)

It is a little bit strange for me too becuase I never try this kind of hair style but it is a little bit common style in Korea :) Sometimes person has to try something different :) Because It's seriously makes happy :)

And I found one coffee store which is has really delicious honey bread :) This is the best one I eat :) This coffee store is soo close to office because of this I'm visiting there very often :) And staffs in this coffee store are soo friendly people :) They always doing soo good to me and my girlfriend :)

 I found some pictures from last year summer visiting :) Some foods and some memories :) Let's see some Korean food :)

This is Bi-bim-bab :) It's included only vegetables an rice and some gocu sauce. I think I wrote about this food before :) And in Korean kitchen meals are looking better when the meals more colorful. In meals, different colors are symbolise healty and fresh, more color means more healty :) I mean different colors of vegetables. As you can see there are some yellow vegetables and green and dark green and black :) And there is one more important thing to I wanan say; When Koreans cooking vegetables, they are not cooking totaly, they cooking as half cooked. Because this is make the vegetable include more vitamins than totally cooked.

This is kal-guksu in Korean language. In English sea food noodle :) This is really tasting awesome :) There are some sea mussels, shrimps, squid etc. in the sea food noodle. Soo fresh and healty :) If you are going to visit Korea, you must try sea food noodle :)

This picture wass taken at last year. Here was Korean Rice Soup restaurant :) I got heavy flu at the time because of this my girlfriend took me to this store. That was soo hot and makes me relaxed :) If you will be ill in Korea try rice soup ! :) There was some kimchi and side dishes with rice soup. That was awesome treatment with food :D

This is two different kind of dried sea food. I was in sky park in Seoul last year with my girlfriend and with one of our friend Jaeyoung :) We drink some with dried sea food :) But there was something wrong in my stomach because I ate too much dried sea mussel :/ Normaly Korean people eating two or three piece in a day but I ate more than 15 :D Because of this; it caused some problem during the way to home :S I get out out from subway in every stop for puke :/ That was soo bad experience for me with dried sea food :) After this day I was soo afraid to eat some dried sea food. But now thats okay I can eat :)

This picture was taken at last year in small cozy coffee store :) This coffee store was opend by one guy and there is just one staff who is owner of this small cozy coffee store :) Actually as you guys can see that was soo long day for me. Because of this my hair totaly messy and my eyes almost close :D
This is Korean traditional hat :) That was soo funny because some of my friends call me as a Kungfu Panda :D It's good to know someone could get happy with this funny picture :) This piture was taken near some kind of bazar in Korea :)

This is Sky Park :) we getting in :) That was soo amazing day :)

Beautiful scene from small bridge :)

There was a small car working with electric for climb to the skypark hill :) We climbed by this car becuase there was a lot of stairs which are I didn't want to use :D

The main road on the hill.

There was soo beautiful pumpkins hanged on the road on hill. :)

This is city scene from Sky Park :) Air was soo humity at the time :/

The sun gone and the darkness came on beautifull Seoul :)

That was soo awesome times with my girlfriend and our friend Jaeyoung :) Thanks for everything to him because he took us to Sky Park :) Thanks for visiting my blog :) This is the ending song have fun ! :)

(By the way maybe I'm doing some grammer mistakes. I'm sorry for that. Please just don't care about it and try to have fun :) I'll try to do my best. )

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